Lee County Sales Activity for November 2022

Top 20 Real Estate Transactions for the Month of

Lee County, FL

* Transaction includes multiple parcels. Only one parcel address & link shown on this page.

Sales Stats Over the Trailing 12 months

Total Transactions & Parcels Sold

Lee County, FL

For the month of the number of parcels sold in Lee County, FL was and the number of transactions was . The highest monthly totals over the last 12 months were parcels sold in and total transactions in the month of while the lowest monthly totals were parcels sold in and total transactions for the month of . The trailing 12 month average of parcels sold and transactions completed are and , respectively.

Mean & Median Transactions

Lee County, FL

The most recent mean and median transaction values were and , respectively, for . Overall for the last 12 months, the mean transactional value was while the median was .

Total Sales Volume

Lee County, FL

The lowest volume sales month was with in transactional sales value and the highest volume month was with in sales volume. In the most recent month of , Total Sales Volume was . Overall for the last 12 months, the average sales volume per month was .

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